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Hello, assalamualaikum and goodmorning! my name is Hasfarah / Aiman Danial from 10R
We will be presenting our 3mL session for 10R

Today we will be talking about RBAF and I'm sure everyone is familiar with the term?

RBAF or Royal Brunei Armed Forces
Or well known as ABDB, Angkatan Bersenjata Diraja Brunei
Though it was formerly known as Brunei Malay Regiment or Asker Melayu Brunei, that was before 1965

Roles of RBAF are to
Deter any outside powers intending to undermine directly or indirectly in the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the State of Brunei, and to prevent any subversive elements actual or potential operating in the State of Brunei;

Secondly, Undertake military operations to counter aggression, terrorism or insurgency;
Next is to, Assist in maintenance of public order in support of the Police and Civil Authority, if called upon

And finally, Maintain good Community relations by which the Royal Brunei Armed Forces can be identified with the Government and Civil population of Brunei.

The RBAF consists of four Branches, 
The Royal Brunei Land Forces
The Royal Brunei Air Forces 
The Royal Brunei Navy
And the Training Institute 

The Royal Brunei Land Forces is the largest of armed services
It is a brigade sized formation that consists of three battalions and a support battalion.

The role of the Royal Brunei Land Forces is to maintain the security of Brunei and to defend the sovereignty of the country. 

Its main responsibility is to oppose any threat from within or outside the country and to maintain peace and security in the country.

Whereas, the Royal Brunei Air Forces
is a small, mainly helicopter-based force which is tasked with supporting the other branches of the armed services and defending Bruneian air space. 
It was established in 1965.

Moving onto the Royal Brunei Navy,
the naval defence force of Brunei Darrussalam. 
It is a small but relatively well-equipped force whose main responsibility is to conduct search and rescue missions and to deter and defend the Brunei waters against attack mounted by sea borne forces.

And finally, the Training Institute provides basic military training to all new recruits to the Royal Brunei Armed Forces. Other military courses are also offered and conducted in the institution to personnel of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces.

Minumum qualification for recruitment are two credits of 'o' level from any subject for recruitment, BTEC Level 2  Extended Certificate or BDTVEC Skill Certificate 2 or ISQ (Industrial Skill Qualification) or NTC 2 (National Trade Certificate) and etc. Higher academic qualification is an advantage in recruits.

Higher standards of basic English and mathematics skills give individuals a stronger sense of purpose and pride and lead to a more efficient workforce.

For more information go to

Thank you for listening (for those who actually listened.)


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