Our Ref: MEC/RIPASH/1.1/2009/06 RE : ‘A’ LEVEL ATTACHMENT PROGRAMME AT RIPAS HOSPITAL FROM 15th June 2009 to 20th June 2009. As always, we should not need to remind you that all students should dress and act in an appropriate way, showing respect to our patients and their families we serve. Student should be neatly dressed. No T-shirt, jeans sneakers, sleeveless tops or short skirt / pants. Male students should preferably wear a tie. All patient information MUST be kept confidential. Your supervisors will guide you through your attachments. Feel free to ask questions and indicate to them what you would be interested in doing during your stay. LIST OF STUDENTS BY GROUP GROUP A Fatin Khalidah Binti Dr Hj Ismail Farah Diyana Binti Harris Ak Zul Azri Ziqry Bin Pg Matassim Nurul Aziemah Binti Anawi Nur Azizah @Nani Binti Hj Mohd Yahya B Noredayu Binti Hj Abd Hamid Afieqah Binti Rosle Siti Nurhafizah Binti Hashim Nur Asilah Binti Hj Mohd Ja’afar Nurul Syahirah Binti Hj Abdul Kahar C Amp Nur ...