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Showing posts from January, 2009


30 Jan: Visit to Empire Hotel and Country Club (Career Colts - limited places) 2 Feb: Study in UK exhibition>>> Rizqun Hotel (2 - 8pm) : 15 UK uni 3 Feb: Mock Interview for PU 1>>> Career Centre (2 - 4.30pm) Study in UK exhibition >>> Empire Hotel (1 - 7pm) : 27 UK uni 4 Feb: Mock interview for PU1>>> Career Centre (2 - 4.30pm) Study in UK exhibition >>> Rizqun Hotel (1 - 7pm) : 30 UK uni Talk by Goldsmith Uni >>> MSPSBS (2.30pm) Talk by SOAS Uni >>> MSPSBS (2.30pm) 5 Feb: Mock interview for PU1>>> Career Centre (2 - 4.30pm) Talk by Manchester University >>> Lecture Theatre (2 - 3.00pm) 7 / 8 Feb: Open Day MOE (Scholarship section) >>> ICC Live HECAS 9 Feb: MS Career Expo >>> MS Auditorium (8 - 2.00pm) - PU 1 & 2 / Yr 7/8 Talks >>> MS Auditorium (2 - 4.30pm) : Talk on UBD courses (2.30 - 3.30) [Audi] I ...
ANNOUNCEMENT!! To all interested MS students, there will be talks on: 1) Day/Date / Time : Wednesday, 4th Feb 2009: 2.30 - 3.30 pm Venue (Tentative): Lecture Theatre & Sixth Form Private study (parallel sessions) Speakers : Goldsmith UK [Art and Design, Media, Drama, Social work] SOAS UK [Economics, Finance, South East studies.....] 2) Day/Date / Time : Tbursday, 4th Feb 2009: 2.30 - 3.30 pm Venue (Tentative): Lecture Theatre Speakers : Manchester UK Please sign up your names outside Careers Centre.


British Council will be hosting the Education UK exhibition on: Day: Wednesday, 4th February 2009 Time: 1.00 - 7.00 pm Venue: Sutra Hall, Level 4, The Rizqun International Hotel, The Mall, BSB All are welcomed. There will be seminars too on the same day as follows: Time (pm) Title 2.30 - 3.15 Choosing the right course to enhance your career prospects 3.30 - 4.15 How to write a winning personal statement 4.30 - 5.15 Studying Pharmacy in the UK 5.30 - 6.15 IELTS Presentation Be there to 'Fast Track your Success'. British Council website >> www.


Maktab Sains hosted a talk on Computer Science course at University of St. Andrews by Professor Steve Linton on Monday, 12th Jan 2008, 2.45 - 3.45 pm. University of St. Andrews is currently the top-five university in United Kingdom. It is the first Scotland university. Basic degree may be up to four years but with flexible choices of courses as well as allowances of joint degree honours. University of St. Andrews is home to the rules of Golf and located near to the shores, few miles from University of Edinburgh. It was the former university of Prince William. For more stories please browse through . Mailings to Professor Linton on Computer Science at St. Andrews: - Next talk: February -


The other day a woman told me that she sees definite leadership traitsin her son. I asked her how old he was. "Six," she replied. Too young to have been through any leadership training. So are leaders born or made? The answer is both. The problem is that we often get fuzzy about what can and cannot betaught, and at the heart of the fuzziness is the difference between talent and skill. Talent is what we do well naturally. It is our bent. Talents are inborn, and can be discovered and developed. They cannot be taught. However,skills can. Skills are simply how to do something. They are learned and transferable. When we confuse talent and skill, we set ourselvesup for disappointing expectations from training. What does this have to do with developing leaders? Everything. For example, the ability to create vision and strategy is a key leadership trait. Some people have a talent for it. They do it naturallyand continually. Others don’t. Both can learn some skills that will help them...